onsdag den 4. maj 2011

Kim McLean læser med/ Kim McLean is reading this blog

Til vores danske/skandinaviske læsere af denne blog ... undskyld på forhånd. Nu kommer der lige et lille indlæg på engelsk. Kim McLean har opdaget vores blog idet jeg "kom til" at give et lille hint om det på Glorious Applique bloggen. Jeg tænkte nemlig, at der evt. kunne være flere skandinavere, der var ked af ikke at kunne være med der og måske kunne tænke sig at være med hos os, men ikke havde fundet os endnu.

Sorry, I have to blog a little in English. The lovely Kim McLean who we all admire for her wonderful patterns have found this blog and is trying to read what we write in Danish. I made a comment on the Glorious Applique blog about our Scandinavian pendant to this blog. As you can see in the commens, Kim has been so kind and has paid us a visit here. Thank you Kim!
We will continue to write in Danish (and maybe other Scandinavian languages), but pictures are global and often says more than words, doesn't they?
Hope you will continue to stop by once in a while. Most of us have not really started our KM patterns yet. We are currently shopping and planning ... and trying to figure out how to tackle the patterns. We do so by following what you are all doing on The Glorious Applique blog.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Tak for dette indlæg Helene. Jeg må indrømme, at jeg blev noget paf, da jeg så kommentarerne fra Kim McLean her på vores lille blog. Men nu kan jeg så forstå, at den ære skylder vi Helene ;-).

    Jeg har sat en oversætter-knap ind på bloggen i den anledning.

  2. Sure thing Helene! I will drop in often and see how you're all doing! Picturs speak all languages! Kim McL

  3. Det lyder jo rigtig spændende at Kim vil komme forbi vores blog og følge med i vores arbejde.
